lunedì 28 ottobre 2013

WIP, 28mm Caesarian Romans, Part II...

Second part for our painting guide for these 28mm Caesarian Romans,
plastic miniatures by Wargames Factory

This time I have painted only a legionnaire with pilum to develop 
the various steps of the painting process to adopt to the 
other legionnaires... 

By the way...I apologize for my digital camera and her pics... ;-)

First of all a dark brown washing for red tunic, gold and skin tones...
Silver for armour and weapons.
And a black washing for metal armour.
Then a silver drybrush on the armour.
Base colour for leather...

Now let' s paint the shield, or scutum...
Paint, with a dark brown, the base of the wreath...

Then paint with a medium/light green...

Then highlight each single leaf with a yellow ink...

Then base colour for the wooden part of the pilum...

Second layer with a medium brown to simulate the "wood grain" effect...

Third layer with a light brown...

Final layer with a yellow ochre...

Highlighting skin tones...

Last details...scabbard, belt, sandals...
Happy Wargaming to All!

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