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mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

New project...A Fistful of Kung Fu...

Attending Hellana 2014, and watching so many wargame tables, 
I noted some nice sets of miniatures...near the author of the Osprey rules...
A Fistful of Kung Fu :-)

So, I decided to try, with my friend Stefano, the game.
Honestly, I was not in the mood to learn some rules...
but was in the "buying some miniatures" mood...
hence I bought a box of Martial Arts heroes... ;-)

Really nice miniatures from North Star. 
So, soon, I' ll buy another squad and...maybe...the rules...

And now some pics to satisfy your curiosity...

Stats for characters...

The miniatures...

And the back of the box...

Obviously, WIP pics will follow, so, stay tuned...

Happy Wargaming to All!

3 commenti:

  1. Sweet looking figures! I like the dynamic poses.

    1. For sure Anne...and now I have to decide which colours to use for them :-)

