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giovedì 4 aprile 2013

War of the Roses longbowmen and the second part of our museum visit...

We assembled  and white primed other miniatures for our
Lancastrian War of the Roses army. 8 longbowmen, 4 billmen and 3 spearmen.
Again we painted the livery banner for our knight...

And after our miniatures other pics of our visit to the archaeological museum of Naples...
Part I
Enjoy!... ;-)

Longbowmen, billmen and spearmen...

Some pics of our knight and his handpainted livery banner...

And the "archaeological" pics...
Caius Julius Caesar...

An emperor effigy...

A matrona from Pompei...

A really famous mosaic and his modern reproduction...

Roman gold jewels...

Other Hellenistic cavalry...

Some glass vases, 1st century A.D....

Bronze statues from Pompei...

Happy Wargaming to All!

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