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giovedì 18 aprile 2013

50000 page views!...And the today' s America' s Cup fleet races pics...

We reached the 50000 page thanks to all of our readers!
We' ll prepare a prize draw so stay tuned... ;-)

Today in the Gulf of Naples the America' s Cup started with two fleet races.
Obviously our Cioporeporter...and me...attended the two races in the crowd and
 took many pics for your curiosity.
By the way...the winners of the two fleet races were the Kiwis with Emirate-New Zeland 
and the British team with the JP Morgan catamaran...

America' s Cup World Series Part I 


Pics from the first fleet race...

The winner of the first race...

One of the two Italian Prada' s catamarans...Pirana and Swordfish...

The Swedish AC45...

Sailing for the Victory...

The British catamaran...


The Kiwis...

The Chinese team...

Energy, the French AC45...


The Red Bull team...

Fighting for the first place...

Last lap...

TV chopper...

 And images from the second fleet race...

Start line...

Kiwis in action...

Other "in action" pics...

The winner of the second fleet race...

And some pics of the crowd...

And Happy Wargaming to All!...And Sailing... ;-)

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