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martedì 24 luglio 2012

Flintloque orc rifles, Sharke! Cioporeporter' s painting guide, Part II

This time our Cioporeporter will show you the second part of his painting guide
for this "famous", and rare, Flintloque miniature...Sharke!

Part III

Part I, a mix of miniatures...

Questa volta il nostro Cioporeporter vi mostrerà la seconda parte della sua painting guide
per questa rara e "famosa" miniatura di Flintloque...Sharke!

Uniform base

Colore base per l' uniforme...verde...

Green highlights...

Highlights verdi...

Dark grey base colour...

Colore base grigio scuro...

Highlighting dark grey base colour with a small amount of light grey...and base colour for the skin...

Evidenziamo con l' highlighting il colore grigio scuro di base con un po' di grigio chiaro...
e colore base per l' incarnato...

Front and back...

Fronte e retro...

A dark washing to merge the colours...

Un washing scuro per fondere le tonalità...

Front and back...

Fronte e retro...

Happy Wargaming to All!

5 commenti:

  1. That really is quite spooky - You may have seen the recent miniature tutorial I did for Barking Irons Online which went up earlier today and then you go and paint the very same miniature.

    What I find interesting is that the same figure can be painted in two so very different styles of painting.

    If you haven't already posted links - I will place a comment on The Notables and when I post details of the article I will include a link to your site - to offer a different take on the same model.

    Well done and great to see this rare figure featured on two sites in the same week.


    1. Quite spooky indeed Tony...I didn' t still read your tutorial and in effect it' s a funny coincidence. This is the Sharke of the "archaelogical find" post and I' ve decided to paint him since have the orc rifles in the painting schedule too.

      No, I haven' t posted any link so you can post it. I' ll complete Sharke in the Part III and will publish it this thursday.

      And obviously thank you for your compliments and...long lif to Sharke! ;-)


  2. I've tried posting on The Notables - but I think your link stops me doing so.

    Tomorrow morning I will post details on my Blog.


    1. I modified the settings so retry. Otherwise copy and paste this address:

      It would have to work...;-)

