blog pages

lunedì 23 novembre 2015

6mm Risorgimento Italian infantry...finished!...

Finished four regiments of 1860 Italian infantry,
with some skirmishing Bersaglieri...

Here are the other parts of the painting process:

And Happy Wargaming to All!...

mercoledì 18 novembre 2015

28mm Martial Artists...finished!...


Martial Artist for Hong kong, Kung Fu movies,
and for some Steampunk scenario...
maybe with, or against, Sherlock Holmes...

And Happy Wargaming to All!

martedì 10 novembre 2015

6mm Italian Risorgimento, Work In Progress, Part 2...

Almost finished...
only missing rifles and faces :-D


Red pon pons
And Happy Wargaming to All!

lunedì 2 novembre 2015

6mm, Italian Risorgimento, WIP...

Starting a new 6mm project...
Italian line infantry and Bersaglieri for the 1860 period,
the Italian Risorgimento...
Stay tuned :-D


Line infantry...

And Happy Wargaming to All!...